

So do not fear, for I am with you;
    do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
    I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Greetings to all my Dear Website Visitors in the name of Jesus Christ.

When I was born, little did I or anyone else knew about my purpose in life, surely God knew what he had planned for me. I feel privileged to be born in Christian Family and thank God that He gave me such a wonderful, understanding and caring Parents.

It is really the Amazing Grace of God, that a little over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ came on earth in flesh, even though He was the creator of everything in order to witness God’s love and teach the Gospel to Mankind. He took all our sins, and through his sacrifice we are now saved. Jesus resurrected from dead and defeated Satan, no matter how greater sins we might have committed, Blood of Jesus will clean us and save us. All we need to do is repent and never return back to our sinful life, but lead a life based on Bible.

Since my childhood, my mother recited me Bible stories and Songs. Both my Father and Mother raised me up in knowledge, wisdom and understanding of True God, inculcated in me the habit of reading my Bible, spending time in prayer and going to Church on Sundays.

I was given a good school education. I was excellent at studies and was meritorious bringing Glory to God. As I grew older I got interested in Sciences. Well to me Science is Human Being’s methodology to explore and decode God’s creation. Often its said Science and Religion don’t go hand in hand, they differ and oppose each other. But I feel only God gives us the wisdom to discover or invent or develop technology. Science has limitations, at some point you reach that limit and then realize and say “God! How great thou Art”.

Further I got interested in Physics, so I choose to pursue Physics for my higher studies. During my college days, with my life experiences, my faith increased on God. Now more than the reason that I am Christian because I was born in a Christian Family, I would rather now say proudly that I am Christian because of the wonders that God did in my life and my personal experience with God Almighty.

In year 2012 a thought came in my mind to write down my scripture meditations in form of Articles, earlier it was for my own personal reference. Later I felt it would be nice to share them. I created a blog but didn’t share it much. But who-so-ever few people read my articles, gave a tremendous positive feedback.

I have completed my Masters’ Degree in Physics with Specialization in Electronics. Over the past 4 years I heard a whisper in my heart that I should make a website. I had absolutely No knowledge of website programming or anything to be honest. But when it’s part of God’s plan, you need not worry God shows the way and holds your hand and guides you.

I started to learn things on my own from internet tutorials. I would say it’s a miracle and witness I should share that truly it was Spirit of God teaching me how to proceed. You would wonder that only One Boy created this website alone, no team involved. Strange isn’t it? But, everything is possible with God. I wasn’t alone, God helped me and molded me. When Israels’ Army could not defend Goliath – giant Philistine warrior, everyone was shocked to see a shepherd boy David alone killed Goliath without sword or armor, but only with a stone and sling. David succeeded because God was with him, for humans it seemed strange but with God it was possible, as it was a part of God’s plan.

In December 2015, I felt I was near perfection and had understanding to start working for the real project. I would admit that in past I tried to set up 3 websites but failed, but failure did not disappoint me, because those failures taught me more than what I would have learned in some professional Website development course.

In 2020, Over past 6 months I knew exactly how to develop a latest, fast in performance, interactive website. Then came the thought what should I name my website. Well no name came up, I prayed for over a week, and then came to my mind “Jesus Christian”.

“Jesus Christian Info” refers to a website for every person proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. Well in order to understand the Gospel we need to have knowledge of entire Bible. This website provides Articles, Song Lyrics and Videos as Spiritual resources. Hope you liked the name “Jesus Christian”. Later the tag line was given as ‘Biblical Christian Living’.

Today on Mid June 2020, after 5 years of dedicated work I am glad to say, I have well begun and the website is now ready for people to visit. Also along with this website i have set up Facebook Page, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube account by same Name.

Please do share this website with everyone you know, your friends, relatives, family members, all your contacts on social networks and media. I didn’t made this website to glorify myself. I made it for the True and Living God the creator of this Universe and all Human Being.

We should recognize our One True God, who sent his Son Jesus Christ to be sacrifice for our Sins, and now we have Holy Spirit of God with us always, to guide us, to comfort us, to strengthen us in leading a responsible meaningful and purpose driven Christian life.

To be honest website launch doesn’t mean yeah I am done, it’s just a beginning, I will keep on improving this website. I would pray that God will use this website in fulfilling his purpose and many people will be saved through this website ministry. I pray that God would keep using me and help me to work more and be His instrument. Hope every visitor of this website is blessed and touched and understands the Gospel of Jesus, which Christ asked his disciples to preach and spread to the ends of the earth. In name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I launch this website for everyone. May God bless and touch everyone who visits this website. Amen.

With Regards,

Admin (Jesus Christian)

Website Launch Date :- June 15, 2020

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