Unto us a boy is born

Unto us a boy is born

1 Unto us a boy is born!
King of all creation,
came he to a world forlorn,
the Lord of every nation,
the Lord of every nation.

2 Cradled in a stall was he
with sleepy cows and asses;
but the very beasts could see
that he all folk surpasses,
that he all folk surpasses.

3 Herod then with fear was filled;
‘A prince’, he said, ‘in Jewry!’
All the little boys he killed
at Bethl’em in his fury,
at Bethl’em in his fury.

4 Now may Mary’s son, who came
so long ago to love us,
lead us all with hearts aflame
unto the joys above us,
unto the joys above us.

5 Omega and Alpha he!
Let the organ thunder,
while we sing our songs with glee
and rend the air asunder,
and rend the air asunder.

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