

“I keep my eyes always on the Lord.
    With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Psalm 16:8

This website was started with a vision that God inspired me to setup a website which is useful to both Christians and Non-Christian people.

The aim is to provide Articles, Song lyrics, Videos, Images, and Online Bible which help us understand the Word of God. It is important to Worship God and Praise Him. I hope all these resources will benefit a lot of people. Individuals, Families, Worship Groups and Churches all over the Earth in English language.

I will be working to keep improving and adding to this website. Also I would be glad to hear your feedback and suggestions to improve and add new fields.

Let us all together pray to God for this website.

Our Gracious Heavenly Father,

You deserve all Glory, Honor and Praise. We pray for the website “” along with its Social Media accounts and submit it into your care. God bless this website and may it be a medium through which a lot of precious lives are saved.

Help me to keep this website updated with meaningful content so everyone who uses these resources find complete spiritual nourishment. Also God let this website reach millions of people across the earth of every nation, language and culture.

Father God I thank you for using me and enabling me to have wisdom and understanding to run a website for your Glory. Make me worthy of your service, and help me grow more in your knowledge and wisdom, that I may continue to improve and be able to give time for this website.

I also pray for each and every individual who visits this website. May there hearts be open and they may know you O God, the creator of heaven and the earth. Let they may know that you are the only true and living God. Let your name be glorified, and may souls be saved, and be protected from evil. Fill everyone with your Holy Spirit so they are able to understand your scripture and they may understand what is your purpose in their life.

I once again commit this Website and all it’s resources along with other Social Media accounts to you God Almighty. Protect this website from the evil forces. Provide all the finances for the running of Servers and other software. May this website reach everyone using internet and let their hearts be changed for good and they may acknowledge and worship the true God.

I ask this prayer in the precious name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


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